You need willpower and creativity to save your money on a regular basis. Here are ten simple ways that will help you save. Choose the steps that best align with your character and situation.
Ten easy ways to save your hard-earned cash
Have the courage to say NO
Most times friends will invite you to occasions like parties, dinners or going out for a concert. It is okay for you to politely decline the invitations as some of these occasions add up to a lot of money leaving your pocket. This ensures you have a pool of money as backup to get you out of tricky situations.
Avoid bank charges
You should try and avoid paying service charges for your checking or savings account. There are some amazing bank offers available to new customers. Some banks are now offering bonuses for opening both checking and savings account. Others go as far as offering no service charge and attractive interest rate for new customers. Take advantage of these discounts while banking.
Plan for your resources
Come up with a meal plan for the week and create a shopping list. This will help you save by cutting down on erratic expenditure. Try to stick to your list as best as you can, but don’t be afraid to shop around for better prices.
Take Care Of Things
Taking care of our possessions is paramount to saving as it helps us get the best out of them. Instead of buying a new pair of shoes every three months, buy a good pair and wear them well. You’ll definitely spend more than a year without needing a new pair. This helps you take control of your cash flow.
Reduce money spent on entertainment
Reduce costs of going to movies and orchestras by borrowing DVDs from your public library for free. You can also set up a lending library based on sharing DVDs with your friends and relatives. This nifty little trick helps you also save money by decreasing your cable bill.
Utilize the 3 R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle
These three words should be a basis of your saving plan. Reduce the amount spent on non-essentials. Spending your money on essential services in addition to products is important and a planned for the expense. Indulging in pleasurable activities and erratic decisions are one easy way to deplete your funds. Make use of energy efficient appliances as these also help you save money on bills. Also, make sure to reuse things before throwing them away.
Don’t be a hoarder
Hoarding possessions will not do you good and may, in fact, be costly for you. Be sure to sell what you don’t need or use and save that money.
Cut down on personal preferences
Buying brand names and treating yourself to a coffee shop treat is not a good way to support your saving habit. Carry meals to work rather than buying to eliminate this cost. You can save that money and pad your savings account.
Make money work for you.
Put your money to work by investing in the stock market, real estate, commodities and other viable investments. Instead of simply burning that money through expenses that don’t take you closer to financial freedom, invest that money for a better future.
Use a skilled tailor.
A skilled tailor will ensure your clothes serve you longer while still looking good. This cuts down on expenditures incurred when buying clothes therefore a good tailor, saves you money.
Putting money away gives you a foundation to build upon as you seek to escape the rat race and achieve financial freedom. Get started today!